Semen Banking

Sperm can be successfully frozen, stored and thawed at a later date. However, not all sperm freeze and thaw well. There can be wide variations in the percentage of sperm that survive the freeze and thaw process. Sperm samples are kept in liquid nitrogen tanks until thawing is performed. Sperm can theoretically be stored for years and still be viable after thawing. There is a fee for freezing the sperm which includes the first year storage. After the first year, there is an annual storage fee for keeping the sperm frozen.
Sperm cryopreservation provides you with options for various circumstances. Some men store sperm prior to undergoing chemotherapy for use at a later time. Other men store sperm to have as a backup if they are unable to be present or unable to produce a fresh semen sample for a given fertility procedure.
Sperm freezing may be needed if the husband is about to undergo radiation or chemotherapy for cancer, or is being deployed to a war zone, but wants to father children later. In addition, sperm may be frozen if the husband has no sperm in his ejaculate and requires a onetime surgical sperm extraction procedure, or simply, if the husband is afraid that on the day of your IVF procedure he may be too nervous to provide a specimen. Again, you can be very confident in the reliability of our sperm freezing and storage system.
While current data indicates that there is no increase in birth defects or chromosomal abnormalities in children born from frozen sperm, it is possible that such a problem may occur.
For semen freezing, If possible, observe a period of 3-5 days of abstinence from ejaculation before producing a specimen for storage. It usually takes males 3-5 days to produce a semen sample with optimal sperm count (the quality of the sperm may deteriorate over shorter or longer periods of abstinence).
It is preferred that the specimen be obtained by manual stimulation (masturbation). There are private rooms at our facility that may be used for this purpose.
To ensure accurate identification, an accession number and a can number is assigned to his specimen from the moment it is received.
A complete semen analysis is then performed. This includes semen volume, liquefaction and viscosity, sperm count, motility, forward progression, and morphology.
The required screening includes HIV-1, HIV-2, and Hepatitis B surface Antigen, Hepatitis B core Antibody, Hepatitis C Viral Antibody, Syphilis, CMV, and Gonorrhea Culture.

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